FX currencies
06 SEP clock 11:26

Mid-Week Technical Outlook: FX Mashup

Ongoing concerns over China’s economic growth have sent investors rushing toward the dollar with growing bets around US interest rates staying higher for longer supporting upside gains!
31 AUG clock 11:57

USDJPY: Will Failed Flag Invite Bears?

It has been a choppy affair for the USDJPY over the past few weeks.
26 JUL clock 14:16

Mid-Week Technical Outlook: Calm Before Fed Storm?

An air of tension settled over financial markets on Wednesday as investors braced for the pivotal Federal Reserve rate decision.
Traders spooked by weakness in Chinese data
08 AUG clock 11:23

Traders spooked by weakness in Chinese data

The dollar has gained a small safe haven bid, the antipodean currencies are sinking, and US stock futures are in the red after Monday’s solid day of gains.